
Horse/Light Horse




Shagya Arab

    Lipizzaners are extensively bred in Hungary, and there are traces of Babolna Shagya blood in the Swiss Freiberger breed.  One source mentioned that the "Babolna horse" includes both Arabian purebred and halfbred strains.  It also mentioned, as bred in either or both Hungary and Yugoslavia, the Kisberer horse (English halfbred), the Mezöhegyes English halfbred (which it states is or was the Furioso North-Star), and the Tolnatamas horse.
    The Furioso-North Star (known also as the Mezöhegyes horse, is a fine Hungarian riding horse, bred from English Thoroughbred stallions crossed with native mares from Hungary, Austria, and South Germany.  The Mezöhegyes ranges in height from 60-68 inches, and averages in weight about 1290 pounds, thus being practically identical in size with the Hanoverian.

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