Common Name: Kousa

Scientific Name: Cornus kousa

Family: Cornaceae

Asheville Airport

Asheville, North Carolina

April 29, 2002

Kousa.jpg (81670 bytes) Kousa2.jpg (98243 bytes)

Large shrub or small tree.  Native to Japan and Korea. Later blooming (late spring or early summer) than other flowering dogwoods.  Can be big multistemmed shrub or (with training) small tree to 20 feet or higher.  Delicate limb structure and spreading, dense horizontal growth habit.  Lustrous, medium green leaves, 4 inches long, have rusty brown hairs at base of veins on undersurface.  Yellow or scarlet fall color.  Handsome exfoliating bark.  Flowers along tops of branches show above leaves.  Creamy white, slender-pointed, narrow bracts, 2 - 3 inches long, surround flower cluster, turn pink along edges.  In late summer -- fall, red fruit hangs below branches like big strawberries. [Bender, Steve, Southern Living Garden Book, The. Oxmoor House, Inc., Book Division of Southern Progress Corporation, Birmingham, 1998]

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