Arabella Katherine Hankey

Born:  1834, Clapham, Surrey, England.

Died:  May 9, 1911, London, England.

   Known as Kate to her friends, Hankey, a banker’s daughter, belonged to an evangelical group known as the Clapham Sect. The group was mainly known for its antislavery and pro-missionary stances. While still a teenager, Hankey taught Sunday school for girls. Later, she traveled to South Africa to be a nurse, and to help her invalid brother.
    In her early 30’s, Hankey contracted a severe illness. During her protracted recovery, she wrote a long poem about Jesus. It is in two parts, with the first, 50 stanzas in length, asking about Him, and the second answering the question I Love to Tell the Story and Tell Me the Old, Old Story both come from this poem.


  1. Advent Tells Us, Christ Is Near
  2. I Love to Tell the Story
  3. I Saw Him Leave His Father’s Throne
  4. Tell Me the Old, Old Story