Common Name: Fuchsia

Scientific Name: Fuchsia hybrida

Family: Onagraceae

Serendipity Ranch

Columbus, North Carolina

July 11, 2002

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Here belong nearly all garden fuchsias.  Hundreds of selections are available, with many color combinations. Sepals (top parts that flare back) are always white, red, or pink.   Corolla (inside part of flower) may be almost any color possible within range of white, blue violet, purple, pink, red, and shades approaching orange.  Flowers may be single- or double-petaled, varying in size from as small as a shelled peanut to as large as a child's fist.  Plants vary from erect-growing shrubs 3 - 12 feet high to trailing types grown in hanging containers.  Good hummingbird plants.  Soil mix for containers or planting beds should be porous, water retentive, and rich with organic matter.  Heavy mulching helps to maintain soil moisture in beds.  Plants dislike hot summers; flowers may drop off.  When foliage wilts in extreme heat, mist to cool it down.  Apply light doses of complete fertilizer frequently.  If plant becomes leggy, pinch branch tips to force side branching.  Pick off old flowers as they start to fade.  [Bender, Steve, Southern Living Garden Book, The. Oxmoor House, Inc., Book Division of Southern Progress Corporation, Birmingham, 1998]

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