Family Forest

These pages are still very much in progress!  Spellings may not be correct; we're still trying to work out the details.

People in the Bible
These are all the people that can be found in the Bible and what information is provided there about them.  I have used only the King James Version of the Bible for this project.

People of the East
These are the people whose names sound like they fall into the Bible category but aren't in the Bible.  (Until I make my way through the Bible, I will place people that are supposed to be in the Bible, but that I haven't come across yet, in this category until I find them.)  I don't know time periods for these yet.

People of the North
These are the people whose names sound like they fall into the Scandinavian group.  I don't know time periods for these yet.

These are the people that we actually know to be kings and queens and such, outside the Bible, of course.

These are mostly more recent members in the family, up to the ones that are still living.

Coming!  This will eventually include pages for quick reference to see who is related to whom.