Trait du Nord

Introduction:  If you have any comments or suggestions, please click here.

Names:  Trait du Nord.  I understand that 'trait' is the French word for 'draft' and 'nord' is the word for 'north'.  So 'Trait du Nord' means 'draft of the north'.

Origin:  Comes from northern France.  Originating in French Hainault.

Breeding:  The breed is being built up; many were killed during World War II.

Description:  Similar to but heavier than the Ardennes.

Body:  Muscular.

Color:  Usually bay, roan or chestnut.

Size:  About 16 hands.

Temperament:  Quiet and gentle.

Features:  Particularly useful in heavy going.



Curiosities:  Like most of the other French drafts, the Trait du Nord both found favor with Caesar for his cavalry and is a close relative of the ArdennesThe Trait du Nord is now a farm horse--as are the very similar types, the lighter Auxois, the taller Seine Inférieure and the Comtois, said to derive from the Bourguignon, mentioned in the 4th century and bred in the 'granary of Burgundy'.



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